Look at this great award that Kathryn over at Seeking Sanity gave me. I just love that they say it is given to bloggers that spread "Festivus" for the rest of us. Thanks so much Kathryn and if you haven't ever visited Seeking Sanity, you need to go over and see her three adorable little boys (and especially good looking husband - ahem). Kathryn is pretty cute herself and smart and funny and friendly - go on - go visit her!

I would like to pass this award onto Stacie at Falling Midair Off of the Bridge ... Stacie has a great site and I just love her crazy sense of humor and right now she is spreading all sorts of Christmas cheer with her fun template and Christmas songs. Go over and visit her - she is a lot of fun.
I also was given this great award from Such Simple Pleasures

Isn't this the cutest award? Thanks to Such Simple Pleasures for passing this great award onto all her readers and I'd also like to pass this one onto anyone that comes to my site and puts up with my nonsense day after day - I have so many cool new friends!!!