In first grade, Alexis is required to put her name on all of her papers. She is often required to put the date. She comes home often, announcing, "I know what today is - it is December 15th," or whatever date it might be.
I have, on occasion, asked - totally seriously, "Alexis - what is the date?" And completely relied on whatever answer she has given me.
This is a little screwy - me depending on my six year old daughter to tell me the date. It's frightening even - if I think too much about it - that I totally believe this child .... the same child that proudly announced to me a few days ago, "Guess how long I've been wearin' these same underwear?" You don't want to know the answer to that, but it was quite the shock! And ... even more disturbing that she was, for some reason, going for a record of some sort.
She is not the one - anyone - should be relying on for the correct time, the day of the week, the month of the year or ... the date!
But ... I have been known to do this - from time to time, because somewhere along the way, I lost enough space in my brain to store the daily date. I often forget it and even lose complete days altogether - really throwing off my ability to calculate the date accurately. Alexis isn't storing all that much important stuff in her brain yet - I have come to depend on her to help me out. It's working out just swell.
It will take me weeks - possibly even into February, until I become accustomed to writing 2008 - and have it finally burnt into my brain. This is probably true of a lot of people. It's just hard to get used to writing the new year and just as difficult to comprehend that it is actually here.
Well ... it is! It is the year 2008!
I want to wish everyone a Very Happy New Year that is filled with much happiness, much prosperity, many friends and tons of love. And ... days and days and days filled with hugs and kisses from your precious children or grandchildren. And ... days and days and days filled with laughter and giggles and smiles. And ... days and days and days where you look back fondly to remember the Joy shared with those that you love and look forward with bright eyes and an open heart filled with excitement and anticipation of the Joy to come.
I wish this for you ... and for me and those that I love, as well.