If I imagine, as I do ... that life is a journey and that I am on an intentional path on that journey towards an end, then I have to envision that there may be hills and valleys along the way ... that there will be bumps in the road, streets that cross over and forks as I go along.
If I believe that these obstacles are in fact choices towards variant destinations, then I have to assume that the choices, if chosen, may alter the course of my original journey. And as so, lead my life in directions I can not see clearly.
And ... if life is a journey with a beginning and an end, then it is reasonable to believe that I may fare better to stay on the original straight path in order to center my life. And, while I may veer off this path, from time to time, to experience new or different things, I am certain that my fate will only truly be known if I make the choices that will lead me back to my intended destiny. Otherwise ... I am wandering.
In believing this, and realizing the difficulty of such a journey, it is also reasonable to see that a child is not equipped to navigate their own passage until the day comes that they have been shown how to do so. Until it is their time to choose their own road toward the end ... they must trust and follow in another person's path ... the path of ... their mother.
On this day of Thanksgiving ... I am thankful for my beautiful, healthy children and my wonderful husband and my fantastic family and fabulous friends. I want them always to know that I often look to Heaven ... I fall to my knees before God ... And I pray, "Thank you God. I love them very much."

Happy Thanksgiving to my precious family! Happy Thanksgiving Mother, Dad, Elaine, Rob, Vonda and kids, Cheryl, Danny and kids. Happy Thanksgiving to all of Billy's family and all of our friends and family - I can't possibly name everyone - we love all of you and are thankful you are in our lives. I am very blessed. We are all very blessed.