She was a tiny girl.
Her world was not an easy world.
She would grow and learn and watch and hope.
It would take many years for the truth of her uneasiness to show its true self. It would take many words and many tears. It would be overwhelming and frightening and sad. It would be ... an awakening. A calm after the silent storm.
It would turn the girl's world around. It would come full circle. It would then turn away from the tiny girl towards many new directions. Destinations she could not foresee - nobody could foresee. There would be more misery and yet ... through the pain it would offer a glimpse of hope - of relief. Not just for the girl, but for others as well.
She would finally see the thing that was hidden in the shadows. The thing that was subtle. The rumble. The thing that hurt so many people. The thing that hurt her.
It would wear on her for her entire life, this dark and secret thing. It would wear on her family. She had worn it and carried it and even the knowing ... would not rid her of it. It would always be. It would always be theirs and it would be hers.
But ... she would emerge whole. As whole as could possibly be. She would strive to be stronger and wiser and happier because of this thing that she once felt ... could surely destroy her. She pushed through it ... to survive. She hoped this would be true for the others.
And through it all ... there was only ever ... love. The searching for it. The need to possess it. The desire to lavish it. There was only ... ever ... love.
She is no longer that tiny girl.
The darkness is not bright yet, but there is much light. The secret no longer holds power and yet it tries often to take hold. It is bold and dangerous. It is filled with scars and breaks and sorrow. It is filled with pain. It no longer holds power, but it remains strong.
The woman protects the tiny girl - and as so, took on the load of the burden.
And then ... she laid it down and pushed all that was inside of it away.
The burden was a heavy load. Too much for a tiny girl. Too much for anyone.
And now it is over there ... the burden. Sitting as if it is special for all to see. With it's shame and sadness. With its guilt and anger. It's over there ... away from everybody. They do not have the strength. They do not need to carry it.
It needs to stay over there ... away from the tiny girl. Away from her mother. Away from her father. And ... away from me.