When I met my husband, he was young and slender and handsome. He had a gorgeous smile and thick hair that he hid often beneath a black cowboy hat. He had a sexy voice and strong, masculine hands. He stood tall and proud and yet ... he was not much older than a boy.
He and I have been through quite a lot over the years. Not near as many sad times as happy and not near as many losses as gains - we have been lucky.
We have a wonderful family together and through our love we have created four children that have brought tremendous joy to our lives. We have built a life that is far more rewarding than I think either of us ever realized we could achieve and experienced far more happiness than any two people truly deserve.
I have not always treated him with respect and kindness, but I have always tried to remember to ask for forgiveness when I have failed him. He has been more patient with me than I have been with him and for that I am sincerely thankful.
Of all the things that God has given me - and he has blessed my life with many gifts - I am the most grateful that God allowed this man to cross my path. I am grateful that this man saw me as someone he could love and spend his life with. I am grateful for his kind nature and his goodness. His loyalty and patience. His love.
Today, 24 years ago, I married this man. It was a day of joy and happiness. It was the beginning of my life. I will be forever thankful for the moment our marriage was created and I will be forever thankful that he ... married me.

Happy Anniversary, Billy!
It has been a marvelous ride and I am looking forward to many more years of walking by your side. I am proud to be your wife.
I will love you always!