I voted for Barack Obama - I'm just going to put it out there - SO THERE IT IS!
My mom is beside herself.
She can't believe we are of the same blood line.
She is ashamed and disappointed in my brother, sister and I - as any good REPUBLICAN mother would be that had three kids she raised up to be good REPUBLICANS who then went behind her back and voted for Barack Obama.
If it makes her feel any better - all 4 of my kids - count them - F.O.U.R! - voted for John McCain! Now ... my kids are only 16, 16, 11 and 7 years old, but ... they were asked to vote - at their schools - and each one came home and proudly announced who they voted for and were extremely proud to be part of the process. And ... Alexis - the 7 year old - was the only one distraught when I told her she voted for the wrong guy.
I made the HUGE mistake of trying to have a rational discussion with my twins about their choices. I have no pull with these girls. If I say black - they say white --- it's true and it will be that way until we all die! I was that way with my mother (hence the Obama vote *tee hee*) and they are that way with me. They voted for McCain just to piss me off.
I guess my mother could say I voted for Obama just to piss her off - but saying a thing does not make it so. I voted for Obama to piss off not just her - but ... ALL REPUBLICANS! No, not really. That was a joke. Did it get all you REPUBLICANS riled up? Sorry - I couldn't resist.
I'm neither Republican nor Democrat. I vote the person. But ... my brother, sister and I love when an election comes around where we sway Democrat (like this election) and we have the opportunity to cast our vote in the opposite direction our mother believes we should. We love to see her face when she hears we are not in her camp. She needs to lighten up. And ... she needs to stop telling people that Barack Obama is The Antichrist. We all know that Bush is The Antichrist. Oooooh - I'll bet that riled up some Republican readers. It's just a joke. We "liberals" love a good Antichrist joke.
I would have been okay, I guess, if McCain had won the election - I was not adamantly opposed to him and I got a real kick out of Sarah Palin, but ... I did worry a bit about having to see his angry face on TV for the next four years. Yes ... he seems angry to me. But, he did lighten up a lot once he brought Sarah Palin on board and I was beginning to believe he wouldn't be all that hard to watch. But, now ... it's Barack that has the serious face every time I turn on the TV. I want him to be serious. I think he is very intelligent and that is what I am counting on to help dig us out of this hole we have been pushed into over the past 8 years, but ... his serious face is scaring me a bit. Makes me wonder what all he's seeing and hearing and learning in these private meetings he's been having with Bush, up there in the White House.
I don't know if Barack Obama is the answer to this country's problems or if he will do a great job as our new President, but the way I see it - it can't get much worse and I'm hoping and praying he's got some answers! If not - my mother will never let me hear the end of it.
I guess that's fair, though, as I've definitely blamed HER for HER choice of Presidents for getting us into all this mess. If my vote for "the wrong man" happens to dig us in deeper or fails to offer serious and legitimate alternatives and answers to this nation's serious problems, then ... I'm big enough to admit that I was wrong. I don't think I am.
As for my children - someone obviously got to them before I could explain to them that - I don't care who they vote for. It's their choice and should be based on their beliefs and convictions. It doesn't piss me off because they don't follow my lead. I've decided that that only really works if you are REPUBLICAN. Boy ... do they get their panties in a wad when they find out you voted the other way! My mom and family and friends that are REPUBLICAN think I'm a complete idiot - What's the matter with you? Can't you see what you are doing? Have you lost your mind? How can you be so clueless?
It makes me laugh.
*For those of you that don't agree with a thing I have said, feel free to leave a comment that simply says, "I'm with your mom." Don't go all crazy on me and leave all sorts of mean comments about how we are all doomed and I am an idiot - my mom's got all of your Republican backs and she's already making sure I know all this and makes sure I am aware of this every chance she gets.
**Also, I'd like to invite you to come back by tomorrow to see "Katie Couric's Farewell Interview With Sarah Palin" - another one of my silly doll stories.