I have 2 laundry baskets in my bedroom - filled to the top with clean white socks. There are hundreds of men's socks, women's socks and boy's and girl's socks. I need to sort and match these clean white socks. I need to do it!
This is a lot of white socks! There are always a lot of white socks in my laundry. It is one part of doing laundry that I detest and put off forever and ever. I've had friends suggest, "Why don't you just throw them all away and start over again?" I have seriously considered it.
Another one of my friends said, recently, when I complained about these baskets of white socks that never seem to get matched and put away, "Why don't you use them as mulch in your flower beds?" I swear - she said this! And it was hysterical. We couldn't stop laughing, imagining people coming to my house, seeing the socks in the flower beds and asking, "Uh ... are those socks?" And me saying, "Well, yes they are," like it was a perfectly normal thing. Don't people always put socks in their flower beds as mulch? Oh, my friend - trying so hard to be Green.
There are enough socks, between these 2 baskets, all those in the laundry room and those in all of our drawers ... to sufficiently mulch 2 - 3 relatively nice sized beds, but ... I'm not going to do it!
Even once they'd turned dingy and dirt colored - they'd still - let's be serious - be socks. Not lava rocks, nor crushed pecan shells, not cedar chips - they'd be sock mulch!
On the upside ... I should just do it to see what my husband would say. I can almost guarantee he wouldn't say a word. He might very well notice (not likely) - but he wouldn't say a thing. Now, my mother ... she'd most certainly have something to say. In her most uppity, I-didn't-raise-you-to-act-this-way, voice, she'd say, "Kellan Renee ... get those socks outta there - NOW! What will people think?"