I would like to thank Works For Mom at What Works For Us for passing on this great award to me. I am sincerely appreciative of this recognition, as I try my best to "be nice" most of the time. I have my moments and will have more to come - but this is a very nice award and I accept it with much gratitude.
I, in turn would like to pass this nice award onto Carrie at Three and Holding. Carrie is the mother to two boys and one girl and her site features fun and interesting stories about her life raising three beautiful children. I always look forward to visiting Carrie's site and appreciate her friendship. Thanks Carrie.
I am also pleased to receive this award from Bermudabluez. It has been my privilege getting to know all my new blogging friends and I truly appreciate Bermudabluez giving me this nice award.. I am pleased to pay this award forward to - Nikki at My Boys and Me . Nikki has three boys. She has been a big supporter of my site and I always look forward to seeing what she will write next. I am privileged to present her with this "You're a Treat Award"! Well deserved, Nikki!