Hosted by Cecily and Mama Geek
The date is: October 1, 2008
- Small Darling Daughter Who Loves Halloween named Alexis
- Grouchy Mama Who Hates Halloween named Kellan
Opening Scene: Grouchy Mama and Darling Daughter standing in the kitchen.
Darling Daughter: When are we going to put out OUR Halloween decorations? *gleeful expression*
Grouchy Mama: *thinking ... Oh, man - here we go again* *forces smile*
Darling Daughter: When? Can we do it today? *eyes light up bright and shiny*
Grouchy Mama: *thinking ...Oh, sheesh - can't we just skip the orange and black thing this year?* *forces smile*
Darling Daughter: Everyone has g.o.o.d decorations, 'cept us. Why don't we have any g.o.o.d Halloween decorations?" *sad frown*
Grouchy Mama: *thinking ... Because ... the only g.o.o.d Halloween decorations are those that keep their ugly orange and black wings and hats and skeleton bones -- in the Rubbermaid box in the darkest corner of the storage shed. And ... stay on the shelves at the Target stores. Or ... are in the houses and on the lawns of other people.* *forces smile*
Darling Daughter: How come you don't like Halloween? *confused*
Grouchy Mama: Where'd you get that idea? What makes you think I don't like Halloween? *forces smile*
Darling Daughter: I can just tell. *walks away*
Grouchy Mama: *Evil giggle* I'll get some *damn* Halloween decorations ... but ... let's wait until the middle of October to put them up ... okay? *thinks ... That way I only have to look at the things for 2 weeks*
Grouchy Mama: Yes, I am! *thinks ... AND ... come bright and early Saturday morning ... all those gaudy decorations are coming down - to be shoved back into those Rubbermaid boxes and carted back to the shed - YIPPIE* *big smile*