Thanks to everyone that has offered well wishes to me and my family over concern about hurricane Ike heading for Texas.
We are well south of Ike's current anticipated path and the way it looks right now, we might even avoid getting much rain. Excessive rain is a serious concern for us in Texas - as we flood easily and quickly. In 1998 we had serious rains and a 500 year flood event here where I live (the entire city) and we sustained serious flood damage at my house that year, so I am always nervous when there are predictions of hurricanes coming or significant rains. We have not flooded at my house since 1998, but it is likely to happen again one day and I am always worried.
For now - we look to be safe from Ike and I appreciate everyones concerns and well wishes. I know there are several of my blog friends that have had to evacuate their homes and are in fear of damage and flooding - please continue to keep all Texans in your prayers (as well as those other states that will be affected by Ike's path of destruction). Thank you.