Fashion Models + MySA

Sweet Dreams

I sometimes call Alexis - Betty Boop.

Sometimes I call her - Tweety Bird.

On occasion ... I call her Miss Muffet.

I've always called her - My Tiny Girl.

I call her My Tiny Girl, because she is my baby and she is my youngest girl.

She is, however, not really ... a tiny girl.

There are girls that are tiny - you know - fragile and petite.

She is not one of those girls.

She is short - as most 8 year old girls are.

She is the smallest girl in the house.

But ...

She is not so tiny.

And ... because she is not so tiny, I have tried to make efforts - over time - to keep Alexis away from the sweets - you know - the Little Debbies, the bags of tiny Oreo cookies, the left-over Halloween candy I have stashed in a drawer.

To read the rest of this post go HERE.


LIFE, and more:

Sweet Dreams + MySA