Recently, my six year old daughter (The Princess), asked me, "Are you smarter than a kindergartner?" I said, "Uh, yes. I would say that I am probably smarter than most all kindergartners." She must have agreed, because she didn't argue this point, she simply walked away. This doesn't say much - me being smarter than most all kindergartners, but ... it must have impressed my six year old.
However, she is not always impressed. Around Christmas time this past year when "The Princess" and I were in the kitchen making cookies together, she was bragging on this kid in her class and how he could name all of Santa's reindeer. I said, "Yes, some people are really talented." She asked, "What does talented mean?" I said, "It's when someone is really good at something," to which she said, "Like Santa." I said, "Yes ... he makes really good toys." And then I said, "Everyone is talented. You're talented and I'm talented too." She then said, "You're talented?" sort of questioning this possibility. I answered, "Well, yeah." She then said, "Can you juggle?" To which I answered, "No."
Sometimes, the people around me think I'm exceptional and then other times ... not so much. Maybe I need to take up juggling - they'd surely appreciate that - me walking around all the time with three oranges floating rhythmically above my head.
On the upside ... I was at The Princess' school today and one of the little students in her class asked me, "Are you her (The Princess') mother?" to which I answered, "Yes I am," in a very happy voice. Happy ... because, in the past, on more than one occasion, I have been asked by her classmates, "Are you her grandmother?" To which I have been forced to say, "No ... I'm her mother," in a not so happy voice.