Yesterday, I grabbed my purse, walked out of the house, locked the front door and walked to my car. On the way down the sidewalk I began saying (out loud), "I hope there's gas in my car. I hope there's gas in my car. I hope there's gas in my car." I repeated this phrase over and over, as if chanting it out loud would actually make the thing so. I knew there was not gas in my car, as I had seen the gauge the day before, pointing to the big "E", but still I hoped - there was gas in my car.
Sometimes my husband will drive my car and fill the gas tank for me (pretty often). I was sooooooo hoping this was one of those times, as I was already late for a dentist appointment. Needless to say - there was no gas in my car.
I love it when I go to my car, look at my gas gauge and - there is a full tank of gas (especially when I didn't put it there)! It doesn't take much to make me happy - really!
On the upside ... I can now assure myself that - chanting something over and over - does not make anything happen (I should just stop doing that!).