My girls - my twins - love to read.
They have been known to spend hour after hour after hour - reading!
They love Harry Potter - LOVE IT!
They have read all the Harry Potter books over and over again.
They love the Twilight series!
They love many different books and lots of different authors.
Given their choice of buying anything they want - they will ALWAYS choose books!
If I take them anywhere near a book store - their eyes will begin to twitch and sweat will bead on their foreheads and they will begin to drool - REALLY!
Well ...
As much as they love to read ...
They are not all that happy about reading books they are required to read - such as ...
The Grapes of Wrath.
It was a summer reading requirement.
I know, I know - it is a classic and lots of people love the book, but ... not my girls - NOPE!
We bought one book at the beginning of the summer.
Courtney began to read the book at the end of July.
Chloe - believing that Courtney would certainly finish the book in a couple of days - waited for her sister to finish before she would be able to begin.
Needless to say - a week before school was to start - Chloe had not yet read the required book and Courtney was still not done.
These are girls that can read a new Harry Potter book - cover to cover - in 18 hours or less. But ... The Grapes Of Wrath Courtney found ... bor-ing!
So ...
The twins' father suggested ... "Courtney - once you get to the middle of the book - let me know and I will cut the book in half and give the first half to Chloe."
*Tee Hee*
This sounded like a good idea to me.
Not that destroying a perfectly good classic by John Steinbeck, was a good thing - but ... it made little sense to purchase a second book - especially one that they hated so much.
Even I - thought this was not a bad idea.
But ...
Chloe worried.
Worried she would need her own book.
Worried they would need their own books in class during the review - during the discussion.
Worried ...
She would have to tell her teacher ...
"Uh ... Page 231?"
"Can you wait a minute ..."
"For me to go across the room ..."
"To get the other half of the book ..."
"From ...
She worried ...
Worried ...
That ...
She might have to tell her English teacher ...
"Yes ..."
"We chopped it in half ..."
"The Grapes Of Wrath ..."
"Yes ..."
"My ... redneck daddy thought it was a good idea ..."
"Yes ..."
"That's just the way we do things ..."
"In the ... On The Upside --- household!"
On the upside ... We bought another book. Chloe was relieved. For a while there - I think she was scared we were actually going to do it. And ... I think she might also have been a bit scared when she realized that I - her mother - was in agreement with her redneck father about this book-chopping idea. It had never happened before where the mother agreed on any redneck idea the father had. It definitely seemed to worry her.
Come to think of it - that's not a good sign.