Fashion Models + Life


Have you seen those AT&T (Cingular) commercials, where the mother is drilling the daughter about exceeding her texting time and the daughter answers with, "IDK (I don't know) - my BFFJill (my best friend forever, Jill). You know the one. I love that commercial!!

I want to learn how to talk like this. I want to do it all day long. I want to learn it, on the sly, and then drop it, at just the right moment, on my kids. "IDK. I was JTDT to GTTGS today . Guess YWJHTE Cheerios." (Translation: I don't know. I was just too damn tired to get to the grocery store today. Guess you will just have to eat Cheerios.") Doesn't it sound way more fun in the "letter-lingo"?

My kids would think I was brilliant (or insane) if I could really learn how to talk like this, all the time. Their friends would think I was cool ("Have you met their mom. She talks in the "letter-lingo". She's really cool!"). I'd be the talk of the town.

It's never gonna' happen. It's a dream I have (really), but I'm not capable of learning this new language. I can barely speak English when I need it. I still have to count on my fingers to add. I use the alphabet system to remember people's names (start at A and see if that triggers their name, then go to B, and then C, and then D ... if you get to Z and still don't have their name, you start over. If you get to Z again - you give up and ask some else if they remember the person's name). I also can't spell worth a crap (and I've had a long time to learn that). Nope ... this language is waaaay over my head.

On the Upside ... My daughter told me that one of her teachers told her that her mother was really cool. My daughter made a point of telling me this twice, because her teacher made a point of telling her, twice. I said, "Well ... see, I told you. I am cool," and my daughter just rolled her eyes. I am already cool and I didn't even know it.

And Another Thing, and more:

"Letter-Lingo" + Life