We eat a lot of the same foods in our house.
You know ...
When I go to the grocery store, I buy the same sorts of things over and over again.
- I buy the same cereals.
- I buy the same chips.
- I buy the same sodas and juices.
- I buy a heck-of-a-lot-of chicken ... in every shape and form - coated and non-coated ... frozen and raw - LOTS of chicken!
- I buy the same toilet paper, paper towels, soap, laundry detergent and shampoo.
I seldom stray from those products I am accustomed to buying, mostly because I just want to get in and get out of that daggum grocery store - get it over with - GET 'ER DONE!
You know?
Well ...
My family is aware of our usual brands.
Accustomed to the norm.
They are all good with the mundane.
The typical.
The boring-ness of it all.
They are even a bit confused if I do happen to bring a new product into the house. Sometimes they are happy to see it - sometimes ... they just want the old one back.
Little Billy and I were at the table.
We were snacking on some tuna fish - those little snack cans that come with the crackers and tiny little spoon. The Bumble Bee brand!
Suddenly, Little Billy says, after shoving a tuna covered cracker into his mouth, "I like this pretty good," he smacks his lips. "I do," he goes on, "But ... I thought we ate Shark-Kissed Tuna," he tilts his head sideways and gazes up into my eyes.
On the upside ...
Sometimes - they are clearly clue--less as to what they are really eating!
*Mom smiles back into her little idiot boy's eyes*
Mom says, "That would be ... Starkist Tuna, Son. And ... I just thought we'd try something different." The boy just keeps right on eating.