Before I went to the BlogHer conference a couple of weeks ago, in San Francisco, I wrote the post Help - I Am Stepping Way Out Of My Comfort Zone. In it I joked about taking this old-lady-grocery-cart to haul all of my stuff around to the conference sessions.

Many people commented that I SHOULD NOT take one of these old-lady-carts, as I would embarrass myself - look silly. No one said exactly that - but, that's what they meant.
So ... I didn't.
But - I knew I had to have something to haul all my stuff - my laptop and binders and the pens with On The Upside on them - my little swag gifts - all my stuff. I also needed somewhere to put the swag gifts we were given.
If I am anything - I am organized. I have always been organized. I don't do anything or go anywhere - unorganized.
So, when I went to BlogHer - this is what I took:
This little black rolling case held my laptop, pens, bag with my swag gifts, camera - all my stuff in it. The polka dotted see-through bag I'd use when I didn't want to drag the rolling case around. I got these black (and polka dot) bags at Michaels and I just loved them. The BlogHer tote was given to everyone by Cafepress.
I just thought I'd show you this, so that everyone that read my post before, wouldn't worry that I actually took one of those old-lady-carts.
I have to say - this case/purses from Michaels worked out wonderfully. But ... I totally believe that all the matchy-matchy - totally organized - look ... probably bugged people.
Nothing bugs other women more than a woman that is carrying her crap better than someone else - you know.
Nothing bugs other women more than a woman that looks put together.
Nothing bugs other women more than a woman that has accessories with polka-dots on them.
I hope I didn't rub anyone funny, but I often do, as me - and my organizing obsessiveness - comes across as OBNOXIOUS and I know it.
I'm sorry about that.
I don't do it to bug people.
I do it to keep the things in my life in order!
On the upside ... Honestly --- I don't give a hoot what other people think about me - I never have. If I did BUG anyone - that's their problem. They can just go over to Michaels and buy some of those bags for themselves - they had them in several other colors. And - I have to say ... I was not as put together as all these bags might have have made me look - but ... I don't mind if it came across like that. Honestly ... I can use all the help I can get!
Yes - The tote is a scrapbooking tote - from Michaels - very cool little case!