It's not often I have alone time with my teenage girls.
Often, they are on the same schedules - doing the same stuff.
I go to their basketball games - they are both there.
I go to their softball games - they are both there.
I take them to church - there they both sit next to each other - at my side.
I go into their room - there they are - together.
Lately, though - I have had the unique opportunity to spend some alone time with each of my 16 year old daughters.
Why, you might ask?
Well ...
Because I am the one teaching them to ...
I take one out to drive ...
Leave the other one home to watch the younger kids.
It's been kind of nice ...
Aside from the occasional moments of panic that prompt me to SCREAM or SQUEAL in fear for my life and then therefore might bring on a few moments of bickering between the teenage driver and the frightened - obnoxiously nervous mother!
It's been nice.
We talk.
Well ...
I talk.
We run errands.
Might as well get a few errands out of the way while we are out on the road.
One day, we were out - Courtney and I - driving.
We stopped by the mall to pick up a wedding gift at Dillards.
As we were getting out of the van, I heard Courtney - getting out of the driver's side door, say ... "Crap - I forgot my phone," she had a sour look on her face.
As we started off across the parking lot - her grumbling and mumbling behind me - I heard her say, under her breath, "I guess that means I'll have to talk to - you."

On the upside ... Okay --- so maybe it's just me enjoying this one-on-one time (*sigh*).