Oh ... there are a lot of DREADED words that a mother hates to hear.
I'm not talking about horrific things - don't want to think about horrific things.
I'm talking about those moments when a little one comes to you and says something that sends a bit of a chill up your spine.
Things like ...
"Mommy, there's something wrong with the toilet."
You know - DREADED words.
I've heard my share of DREADED words over the years and have compiled a mental list of the ones that rub me the most chilly.
I have tried to teach my children - over the years - those words that I am not fond of - those that make me a bit CRAZY. They still use all these words, but have gotten smart enough to know that they should say them really fast - like they are throwing them at me like a dart - and then run as quickly as they can out of the room.
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