If you ever have the opportunity to walk down Elizabeth Street between Houston and
Prince during the summer, look for an old man tanning on the side of the road--he's a dying breed of Old School New York. He lays by the road reclining on a lawn chair and sun tans in front of everybody while the cars go whisking by. This guy also has a habit of releasing the water from the fire hydrant across the street, creating himself into a somewhat of a tourist attraction.
As soon as I saw the water gushing forth from the fire hydrant, I knew I had to have a picture with that classic New York summertime symbol in the background. The window of opportunity was open, I staked my ground, and waited.
After waiting about an hour, this couple walked through my path. I like the imperfection in his rolled up sleeves...it's imperfect but he still looks interesting.
Long post I know, so I'll leave the rest to you. :)