When I had my twins - 17 years ago - I think I was a pretty good mother.
I think I was like most new mothers, in that I did everything by the book. I kept them on a schedule, I burped them after each feeding, I gave them a bath nearly every single day, I put shoes and socks on their feet, I brushed their hair and put lovely pony-tails on the sides of their heads. I was a good mom.
The more kids I began to have, the farther and farther I began to stray from the "model mother" persona that I once resembled. Actually, it probably began to fade long before I actually gave birth to my son.
The beginning of the downward spiral was - oh ... probably after about the first year after my twins were born.
So ... that means - if am going to be honest - that I have been a less than "model mother" for at least 16 years - giving myself credit for being exceptional for merely one year!
Yep - that sounds about right.
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