So ... I go to Mr. Notebook.
I walk in, prance up to the counter, plunk my clunky, gray Dell laptop down in front of the sales guy, smile real big (lots of teeth), say, "Hi (look at his name tag), uh, Joe." More smiling. "I need to buy an "S", I say.
A quizzical look drapes over Joe's face.
"You know," I wave my hand over the laptop, "For my keyboard. Cat jumped on it - skidded - "S" popped off - gone now- need a new "S".
Joe, who is not yet amused, grins slightly as he pulls my clunky Dell more in his direction. He flips the latch and unfolds the Dell ... his eyes immediately searching the keyboard for this missing "S". Of course ... it does not take Joe long to spy my "Superman" pretend "S".

His eyes slowly drift from the keyboard back up to me - where, when he finds my face, my lips curl up into a stupid grin (no teeth).
Still unamused, he looks at my face for several moments - studying me.
"I needed an "S"," I say, with a slight shrug of my shoulders. "Had a bit of time on my hands yesterday, rain and all ..." I gesture toward the sky.
Joe, who is listening quite intently at me, but still not speaking a word, his eyes begin to slowly drop from my face, down to my American Eagle embossed chest (and boobies), where they linger there for far too long.
I don't know what he was thinking, but I know what I was thinking ... I was thinking ... "YES, Joe ... beyond this pink polka-dotted umbrella I am carrying, beyond this rain-splattered too-big hair, beyond these white soccer-mom shorts and tennis shoes, and ... beneath this American Eagle t-shirt ... there is a leotard with a superhero logo on it - for I am truly a superhero - this is my disguise!!! Just give me the daggone "S" and let me get outta here!"
When Joe's eyes finally wandered back to my face, he quirked a little smile, then he turned, wandered into the back, returned a moment later, carrying in his palm ... my new "S".
I thanked him, turned into the blinding flash of light, waited for the cosmic force to lift me and my Dell off the ground ... and with a woosh of wind - I flew - red cape flapping gracefully behind me - outta there.
Okay, the last part didn't actually happen - but I wish it had happened that way - it would have so been the most perfect exit :)