Fashion Models + Misc

I Miss You Guys!

One of my best blogging friends, Joanna, sent me an e-mail this week. In it she said that she just wanted to drop me a line to say hello and tell me she missed me in blogland. Isn't she the sweetest!!

I have not been around blogland too much lately. I have missed everyone more than you know. I've just been so busy that I haven't had time to do everything and blogging has been one of things I have had to cut back on. One day - I will be back in full force (watch out!), but for now ... if you want to know what I've been working on for the past three months - come over and visit me at my other blog On The Flipside and read my most recent post.

Thanks for the sweet e-mail Joanna - I love ya and I'll be around to see you soon!!


LIFE, and more:

I Miss You Guys! + Misc