This is a contest

There are all kinds of mothers.
There are working mothers.
There are stay-at-home-mothers.
There are grandmothers.
There are mother's-in-law.
There are good mothers.
There are bad mothers.
There are famous mothers.
There are infamous mothers.
There are historic mothers.
There are f-other m-uckers.
Then ...
There are ...
Those mothers ...
That BLOG!!
There are no other mothers like BLOGGING MOTHERS!!
Am I right?
And ...
Being a mother that BLOGS, I am always - ALWAYS - A.L.W.A.Y.S ...
Looking for the next BLOG story.
I am.
So ...
I am on the phone the other day.
Just so happens I am on the phone with another BLOGGING MOTHER.
Not just any BLOGGING MOTHER, but ...
She and I have become friends over the past year or so and we recently decided that since we both plan on going to the BlogHer '09 Conference this July in Chicago (WOO HOO!), we would room together. After discussing this and finalizing our decision to do so, we talked on the phone to settle some reservation-making details.
During the course of our conversation - after talking a bit about her life and a bit about of mine - after discussing the conference and hashing over details - after about 10 minutes or so into the conversation - something happened.
Something happened on her end of the phone.
It was funny.
It made me laugh.
I said ...
"You know I'm going to blog about this!"
But ... I then assured her that I would never do that - it would stay just between us - I would never blog about her life on MY blog - never, never, never!!! It's an unspoken rule. I'd never do that.
She gave me permission to tell this story.
So ...
While we are on the phone, I can hear her kids playing in the background. Every so often, one will come close to her, ask her a question, she will answer and off they go back to playing - leaving their FAMOUS MOM BLOGGER to her business.
Then ... her boy child comes back, "Why do you have your helmet on?" she asks the child. "Do you want to wear your helmet? Well ... okay," and she returns to our conversation.
"He wants to wear his helmet?" I ask.
"Yes," she says.
"Are you outside?" I ask.
"No ... he just likes to wear it - so I let him wear it."
I don't need any further explaination to this - I get it.
She goes on to tell a VERY CUTE story about how one evening they took the kids to dinner and the boy child insisted on wearing his new helmet and how she - the FAMOUS MOM BLOGGER - felt sure that people in the restaurant surely must have thought that he was a "special" child. (She needs to write that whole story on her blog - it's a great story.)
So then ... after she and I talk another minute or so, the boy child returns and she says, "What do you mean you dropped your popcorn? Where did you even get any popcorn?" she explains to me that he has popcorn spilt and there are bits and pieces of popcorn all in the grooves of his helmet - I get the visual.
Then she says, "I'll make you guys some new popcorn," and she goes about putting the bag in the microwave - all the while continuing our conversation at the same time.
A bit of time lapses - the popcorn is done and given to the kids - we continue to talk.
A short time later, the boy child returns again and she says, "I see you spilt it. That's okay, just pick it back up and put it in your bowl - it's okay - you can still eat it. Just put it back in your bowl," she is trying to convince him and I am imagining him standing there - eyes wide and tearfilled - looking at the popcorn on the floor - looking up at FAMOUS MOM BLOGGER - but I never hear him say anything so I believe she is convincing him. Then she says, "Or ...... just sit right there and eat it off the floor."
It was at this point that my BLOGGING MOM radar went off!
I tried to ignore it.
I tried to turn the radar off and just giggle through the moment, but ..
I could not help myself ...
I said ...
That famous line we MOMMY BLOGGERS are known for ...
You know the one ...
I said ...
"You know I'm going to blog about this!"
Now ...
I'm going to offer a list of BLOGGING MOTHERS and give you the opportunity to guess which of these moms is the MOTHER BLOGGER that told her boy child, "It's okay, it won't hurt you - just eat the popcorn off the floor."
Who do you think it is?
Kat from Seeking Sanity
Karen from The Rocking Pony
Karen Meg from A Day In The Life ... One Glass At A Time
Holly from June Cleaver Nirvana
Elaine from Miss Elaine-ous Life
Rachel from From The Land Of Monkeys And Princesses
Kami from Kami's Khlopchyk
JCK from Motherscribe
I love this story because - I have been known myself to encourage children of mine to ... eat food off of the floor.
I know there are mothers out there that might very well frown upon a mother that would encourage her child to eat food off of the floor - but - I am not one of those mothers.
I get it!
I've been there!
I've done it!
On the upside ... This is a contest. Leave me your guess in the comments and you will be entered in my contest to win a $25.00 gift card to Target. I know - I don't normally do contests, but I thought it would be fun guessing which mother said this. You don't have to be right with your guess - you just have to choose one name and leave a comment. I hope you take the opportunity to visit all of these women and try to figure out who it was. I will leave the contest up through Friday (1/23/09) evening, 9:00 p.m., and then on Saturday sometime, I will announce the winner and also let you know which of these bloggers gave me permission to tell this story (and who it is that will be my roomie in Chicago for the conference).