Hosted by Cecily and Mama Geek
If you are lucky enough to find yourself in a winter wonderland, such as the beautiful state of Utah ...
You MUST make time to play in the snow ...
Build yourself a giant snowman and ...
Lie down, spread your wings and ... become an angel.

You might even get creative (like Aaron and Matt) and make a lovely heart sculpture.

You could spray it with colored water so as to make the heart a beautiful pink.

From the road, people would see your glorious giant heart sculpture in your yard and it might bring a smile to their faces - especially your Mormon neighbors.

It might make them proud to have you as their neighbor - that you would make such a beautiful symbol of love for all the neighborhood to see.

But ...
Be very careful.
Until the frozen heart melts in the Spring ...
Do not invite your Mormon neighbor up to your front porch.
Because ...
From your front stoop ...
Your beautiful heart sculpture ...
Does not ...
Look like a heart at all ...
And ..
Your lovely Mormon neighbor might be appalled!
They might even cover their eyes and scream ...
"Dear Lord ... That nasty woman needs to take her head out of the snow, stand up and put her clothes -- back -- on!"
*Kellan throws her head back and laughs like a bad Southern Baptist that obviously has too much time on her hands and her mind in a south Texas gutter - tee hee*