I read a post on someones site recently where the blogger said something like, "Blogging isn't real - it doesn't mean anything." Or something close to that.
I couldn't have disagreed more!
I think to some of us - it means a whole lot. I know it does to me.
I have been blogging for a nearly a year and a half and it has been a tremendous blessing in my life. A place for me to write - which I love to do. A place to document my children's lives. A place where I have found a community of friends. It has been tremendously positive.
But ...
There are certainly things about blogging that I often find frustrating. I know I am not alone, as there are millions of bloggers and we all encounter many of the same issues from day to day.
I'd love to hear some of the things you find frustrating or that make you angry about blogging.
Do you take it too seriously - like I sometimes do?
Do you take things too personally?
Do you get your feelings hurt?
Do you feel rejected and sometimes snubbed?
Do you feel guilty?Do you feel competitive with other bloggers?
Do certain bloggers bug you?
Do you feel like blogging is honest?
I have one of those Follow Me thingys in my sidebar. Recently I noticed when someone stopped following me. I have had people stop following me before and just ignored it and not worried about it. But, this time, I happened to look through my followers to see if I could figure out who it was - I was just curious. I don't keep track of who is there and who isn't, so really - I might be wrong about who I think it was, but I believe I figured it out. Truthfully, I was angry and very tempted to go right to that person's site and stop following them. I really wanted to. But ... I didn't. I decided not to hold it against that person - it just didn't matter.
This is the sort of stuff I HATE about blogging! I hate not knowing why. I hate that I take it so personally. I hate that I truly believe that that person stopped following me out of meanness. I HATE all that stuff!!
I also get a little miffed by those people that have the Follow Me thingy on their site - but don't follow anyone else. What's up with that? It's like on Twitter where they pick and choose who is follow-worthy. I still follow some of those people, but honestly it bugs me! Surely I'm just as follow-worthy as they are?!
I've even considered getting rid of that Follow Me thingy on my site - I think it is just another way for bloggers to feel bad about themselves!
What are some of the not-so-positive things you have experienced in blogging? And, if you have been lucky enough to never have experienced anything negative - please let me know the positive things you love about it.
Have a great weekend!