Boy have we've been eating out a lot!
We've been eating out a lot --- for a long time.
I am not in the mood to cook.
I have not been in the mood to cook for ... a long time.
I was never in the mood to cook.
Before I had kids and when I got hungry - I ate bowls of cereal, a sandwich or a cracker.
Since having kids - 16 years ago - it doesn't matter if I am hungry or not - I have to come up with meals and prepare those meals for many other hungry people.
I'd be perfectly happy eating a bowl of Captain Crunch cereal for lunch or dinner.
I'd be perfectly happy eating a rice cake with peanut butter slathered on it or an apple with a cup of yogart.
But ...
My brood is not happy with these simple pleasures.
My brood wants "real food"!
So ...
We've been eating out a lot lately.
I'm not in the mood to cook "real food".
I've been out of the mood for --- about 16 years!
Billy called me from McDonalds.
"Do you want anything from McDonalds?"
"Nope - I ate a bowl of cereal."
"Who's there? Do I need to get Little Billy and the girls anything?"
"Probably a good idea."
I can hear Alexis in the background - she's in the car with her daddy. "What do they have?" she screams loud enough that I can hear her all the way to my house.
I hear my sweet husband say, "The same thing they had yesterday. The same thing they had the day before that. They always have the same things," he tells her nicely, "Bye - gotta go," and he hangs up the phone.
On the upside ... Dear God - Thank you for McDonalds. And - thank you for sweet husbands.