Fashion Models + Little Billy

What Goes Around - Comes Around

When I was a girl - I loved boys with long hair.

When I was a girl - boys wore their hair long - it was the thing.

Now days - boys are wearing their hair long - just like when I was a kid.

It's funny how fads go around and come around again.

Little Billy has beautiful dark hair.

He's gotten to where he likes to wear it long.

His friends wear their hair long.

His sisters say his hair looks better long.

As long as I can see Little Billy's eyes ... I like seeing him in that long hair.

But ...

I don't like it too long.

I want him to be presentable for school - you know.

So ... I let him wear his hair long - especially long - over the summer and told him that once school started that we were going to have to cut that long hair.

The day before school was to start - I went to him and informed him that he had two days and then ... off to the barber.

From the living room - where he was lying sideways on the chair - watching TV, he says, "I'm going to to start up a petition."


"I'm gonna have everyone sign it - everyone likes my hair!" he exclaimed. "I'll even let you double the "NO" votes," he yelled, and then he relaxed and went back to watching TV.

On the upside ... I gotta stop teaching that boy - stuff. You know, like about democracy, about fairness, about voting and crap. He keeps using all my lessons against me - UGH!

LIFE, and more:

What Goes Around - Comes Around + Little Billy