I was in my kitchen making cookies. Alexis was sitting on a bar stool and being quite the helper. We were having a good little talk about all of Santa's reindeer and how a boy in her class could name all of them and how he was very smart.
I said, "Some people are really talented."
Alexis said, "What's talented mean?"
I said, "That's when someone does something really well."
She said, "Yeah, like Santa."
To which I said, "Yes, he makes really good toys." Then I told her, "I'm talented and you're talented too. Everyone has something they're talented at."
She then said, "You're talented?" sort of questioning this fact.
I said, "Well ... yeah."
She then said, "Can you juggle?"
To which I responded, "Uh ... No." *blink ~ blink*
No ... Alexis, like so many others, is unaware of my many talents or attributes. Maybe I just need to learn how to juggle - people would notice that - me walking around all the time with three oranges floating rhythmically above my head.
On the upside ... *sings* There is - Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen - Comet and Cupid and Donder and Blitzen ... and the most famous reindeer of all - Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer ---- I can name all of Santa's reindeer, but do you think the child could ask her mama if she could do that? Noooooooo ...