Oh ... my son.
Every night is a different challenge with that boy.
On this one night, I walk by his room around the time that he should have been deep asleep and I see that the TV is on in his room (not uncommon) and I step inside and say, "I am going to wring your neck," and he pretends he is asleep.
Since I see that he is faking that he is sleeping, and I now see that his floor is a complete mess, I say, "Get up and clean up this floor before you go to sleep. I am not cleaning up this mess."
He cracks a smile and says, "How did you know that I wasn't really asleep?"
I say, turning off the TV and closing the door to his TV cabinet, "I just know these things - I have Mom powers."
He jumps out of his bed and begins to clean up the Pokemon cards scattered all over his floor and he says, "I want Mom powers, " and he throws the cards into the drawer of his nightstand. As he continues to clean he says, "How did you know I wasn't dead? What if I was dead?"
I am just standing in the middle of his room, with my hands on my hips, overseeing this clean-up episode and I say, "I just knew - I knew you weren't dead."
As he throws a pair of shoes in his closet and then turns around and flings his scrawny body onto his bed, he says, "What if I was dead? Would you cry?"
I said, "Of course I would cry."
"What would you cry, waterfalls or ... uh ... puddles?"
I walked over to my sneaky-TV-watching-faking-sleeping-pretending-like-he-was-dead boy and leaned down and said, "I'd cry waterfalls ... for sure!"
He smiled.
I hugged him and left his room.
On the upside ... That boy sure knows how to turn a potentially bad situation ... to his favor - wouldn't you say?