Hosted by Cecily and Mama Geek
Katie Couric's Farewell Interview With Sarah Palin

So, Sarah ... what will you do now that the campaign is over?
*slight Fargo accent*
I'll be headin' back to Alaska - get back to work.

What's the first thing you plan to do when you get home?
The first thing I 'm gonna do is ... get outta these clothes they made me wear - get back to wearin' my soccer-mom clothes and camo gear. Kick off these doggone high heeled shoes and slip on my comfy sheep-skin slippers. Then ... I'm gonna make a big pot of delicious moose-meat chili.

What will you do with all the clothes, Sarah? Did the campaign let you keep all the clothes?
Well ... I just kept 'em. I really didn't ask anyone - I just packed 'em in my moose-skin suitcase and I'm sneakin' 'em back to Alaska with me.
I didn't ask for all them clothes, but I earned 'em!
I know I said they were gonna be donated to some charity after the campaign - but, I lied 'bout that. I'm gonna take 'em home and sell 'em in a garage sale - make me some money.

Is that right - a garage sale?
Yes, Katie - that's what us soccer moms do with all the stuff we don't want - we sell the stuff in garage sales.

And what will you do with the money?
Oh ... I'll probably buy some ammo and maybe a new pair of huntin' boots. It's moose-huntin' season, you know - up 'er in Alaska.

So ... do you have any other immediate plans?
Why, yes I do.
I plan to enter the Mrs. Alaska Hottest Soccer Mom Contest this comin' February. You know I love a good beauty contest.

You certainly are a beauty.
What will your talent be?
I could always play the flute. You know I'm a darn good flute player. But ... I think I'll probably do somethin' with plumbin'. You know that Joe The Plumber fella taught me a thing or two 'bout plumbin' - just might come in handy.

*blink blink*
I see you are wearing new glasses, Sarah. Is this is new fashion statement?
These here were a gift from Elizabeth Hasselbeck - you know, from The View. She was so sad when we lost the election that she sent us all gifts.

Did you receive any other parting gifts - besides the glasses and the clothes?
Why, yes I did.
This here soccer ball was given to me by Barack Obama. Isn't he the sweetest thing?

We wish you luck, Sarah.
We sure are going to miss you on Saturday Night Live.
Don't cry, Katie - I'll be back!
I'm goin' back home to Alaska - gonna learn some stuff, meet some people, travel some and ... get more 'sperience under my gun belt.
You might just see me in 2012 - runnin' for President of these here United States.
You haven't seen the last of this moose-shootin'-soccer-mom-Joe-The-Plumber-lovin'-smokin'-hot- Alaskan'! Nosiree!

And there you have it - the farewell interview with Sarah Palin.
It will be fun to see what she does next - you know - beyond the garage sale and Mrs. Alaska Hottest Soccor Mom contest *hee hee*.
From everyone here at CBS - Good Night.