I have a new post (Lizard Mom) up on my mySA blog if you would like to go over and read it.
I really appreciate all the support you all have given me by going over to my new blog and reading/commenting on my posts. I am so happy to be part of the mySA blog family and appreciate the time you take to read my posts and also the support you have given me. I have had several people tell me that they have been having difficulty leaving comments over there (the word verification/errors) and I have forwarded those complaints to my editor. I think the word verification prompt is touchy (not to mention hard to read). Let me know if you continue to have problems.
I am not currently posting On The Flipside. I am trying to devote time right now to mySA and also here On The Upside. I plan to post On The Flipside again very soon - I have several great posts coming up from some wonderful guest bloggers, as well as posts of my own.
I also would like to ask for your support and prayers for a friend of mine. Angie is a long time blogging friend and her blog is Keep Believing. Some of you might know Angie. She and her family are going through a very difficult time right now. Her and her wonderful husband, Brian, have two boys. Brian has a brain tumor and ... it is a very difficult time right now. Please go over to Angie's site and offer your support and love. She is the most wonderful person, mother, writer, friend - and even through all she and Brian have/are going through - they are an amazing inspiration!