I LOVE high heels!!!

I wear them even when they are inappropriate - I don't care!!
There are certain pairs of heels in my closet I am particularly in love with, for whatever reason. This is the pair I presently LOVE the most ♥
I wore them out dancing recently, and never took them off (as I sometimes will do if a pair ...is particularly beautiful, but painful past the point where agony overrides beauty - is a very fine line - tee hee).
I kept these 3" gorgeous black pumps on all night - even made a point of pointing this fact out to several people as the night wore on ... and how I believe this should be a sobriety test - in the event you need one of those *giggling* - if you are still s.t.a.n.d.i.n.g up straight and center-balanced in 3" heels by the end of the night - you get a free pass.
It's a true talent - not to mention daham difficult!!