2:12 20 seconds, Jacquelyn's driver

2:12 26 seconds, getting photographed while walking

2:12 36 seconds, I like the collar on her white top here. Stop for photo = 2 seconds.

2:12 52 seconds, nice short details! Put on helmut = 9 seconds

2:13 17 seconds, time to speed across the Seine to the Tuileries
This little photo series documents the behind the scenes action of what it's like when models leave shows at Paris Fashion Week.
There's a function on my camera that gives me the exact point in time down to the second at which all shots were taken. So I took the time from the camera from each of these shots to demonstrate just how fast a model moves from show to show at Paris Fashion Week.
In this case, Jacquelyn was en route to Chloe in the Tuileries and (my) total time spent shooting her literally amounted to less than 1 minute.