I used to believe that in a previous life I was a Queen.
Not that I truly believe in reincarnation, but it would explain my obsessive love of all things glittery, shiny, sparkly and dangly.
I do love a blouse or purse adorned with crystals, gems or rhinestones.
I do love beads and feathers and chains attached to clothing or around my neck and in my ears.
I do love to imagine I once wore a crown that was full of diamonds and ruby's and emeralds.
Okay ...
So, maybe I wasn't a Queen, but I do love gaudy and frilly and shiny and glittery clothes.
Another thing I love is ...
I'm not sure what this made me in a previous life (maybe a bat), but I am obsessed with VAMPIRES.
Lately, I have been totally consumed with all things TRUE BLOOD:

Have you seen this series??
Oh my goodness!!!
I started out reading the books:

There are nine books out in this series by Charlaine Harris and I have - in a matter of just over a couple of weeks - read all nine.
After I read the first eight, I told myself that I would wait for the most recent Dead and Gone to come out in paperback before I read it. But .....................

After I finished From Dead to Worse .................

I could feel myself going into withdrawals at the thought of having to wait for this ninth book to come out in paperback.
So ...With glazed over eyes, saliva oozing from the side of my mouth and my hands clenched so tightly I drew blood from my palms ...
I immediately headed over to Barnes & Nobel ...
Walked up to the information desk ...
Leaned way over the counter ...
And begged ...
Begged ...
"Please, please, please ... Dead and Gone by Charlaine Harris!"
The girl behind the counter looked at me like I was a vampire searching for blood and simply said, "It's only out in hardcover."
Lowering my head and looking up at her through my eyebrows I moaned, "GIVE IT TO ME! GIVE ME THAT $25.00 HARDCOVER BOOK! I HAVE TO HAVE IT!! I DON'T CARE WHAT IT COSTS!"
She gave it to me.
I read it.
Now I am in a total state of loss and depression as ...
The next installment in this series, A Touch of Dead, will not be out until October ...

So ...I thought the books were FABULOUS!!! Then ... I purchased season one of the HBO series and OMG!!!!OMG!!!!
For the record ...I love Bill the vampire, LOVE HIM, but ...I secretly hope that Sookie ends up with Eric - the viking vampire.
Excuse me now while I slink back to my cave, put my crown on my head and rewatch season one of TRUE BLOOD and start reading the books all over again.
*Hey - my friend Sally over at Whispering Hope is having a really great giveaway this week in memory of her grandson. So make sure you stop over and see her.