I am not a refined woman.
I am what they would call - rough around the edges.
I know this.
I think I have a smooth voice, but when I hear my voice recorded ... it is raspy and it is not the voice I hear inside my head.
I think I have gentle motions, but when I see myself on film ... I move abruptly and without grace.
I seldom care or wonder what people think of me, but if I do ... I imagine that they see me as unapproachable and distant.
When I look in the mirror, I see a vision that is reverse of how the world sees me. Not just because it is a mirrored image, but because ... I am not the same outwardly as I am in.
I know this.
When I look at the things I have done right in my life ...
I am proud to have met the challenge and achieved the goals.
When I look at the things I am ashamed of, I am ...
In reality ...
I have only my children to prove my worth ...
It is true.
No matter what money I have made or monuments I have built in honor of myself ...
I have only the success of their lives on which to base ...
The success of mine.
I am not a refined woman ...
I am rough around the edges.
My children are not refined either, but ...
They are my greatest achievement and ...
They are ...
A reflection of me.

*The beautiful drawing above was done by my precious daughter, Courtney. She is more accomplished and ... more magnificent ... than I could ever hope to be. I am very proud of how she reflects on me.