I'm sorry I haven't done any of the memes I have recently been tagged for! I'm sorry!
I don't want anyone to think that I am not grateful for being thought of for these memes - because I am grateful.
I am also lazy - when it comes to memes.
I honestly like a lot of them ... but, am just too busy or LAZY to get around to actually doing one myself. They take time and a lot of thought and I simply don't take the time or have enough energy sometimes to put enough thought into them ... and so ... they sit and I never get them done.
I'm sorry!
And ... don't get all excited because ... I'm not doing any of them now, either.
What I am going to do is ... have a contest!
All you have to do is ask me a question. I am going to answer any questions about myself that you might want to ask (I know - boring). You can ask personal questions, questions about my kids or family, about my background, about blogging - about anything. And ... you can leave up to 5 questions each. But, it has to be a question (not a comment) and a sincere question. Don't ask me what my favorite color is - it is green. Don't ask me how tall I am, I am 5'3" tall.
I will try to answer every question and publish the questions and answers in a post in the near future (I stole this question/answer idea fromOHMommy over at Classy Chaos - you should go over and check out her Q&A post she did a couple of days ago - so many fun questions and answers - thanks OHMommy!). While it is just questions and answers about me (again ... bor-ing) - I will TRY to come up with a fun way to post the results to make it interesting.
If you leave me a question, I will be drawing 4 names from all who participate and I will send you each a $25.00 gift certificate to either Target, Starbucks, Barnes & Noble or Old Navy - that I will mail to you (if you live in Indonesia or Australia or Norway or Canada or England or anywhere other than the U.S. and you win and you don't have any of these stores available to you - we will work something out - some on-line gift certificate or something). Otherwise, once you win, I will notify you on your site (make sure I can link back to you or leave your e-mail if you don't have a blog) or your e-mail and request your address so I can forward your certificate to you.
I will leave this contest open until 9:00 on Sunday evening - so you have all weekend to leave me a question.
Once the contest is over, I will transfer all names to tiny pieces of paper and put them in a cowboy hat (tee hee) and have one of my children draw the 4 names. If anyone's name is drawn more than once, I will draw another name. You can leave up to 5 questions - but win only one gift certificate per person. I will publish the winners on Monday evening.
Thanks for participating in my FIRST (and possibly last) contest and GOOD LUCK! I know this does not make up for all the memes I've been ignoring, but it is my small way of trying to show how much I appreciate my friends - appreciate all of your support and friendships.
Have a great weekend!
UPDATE: I have decided to answer some of the questions as the contest goes along. I might hold some questions back and do special posts on those, but most I will try to answer in the post right below this post (titled Answers). It will take me some time to answer the questions, but I will update that post as the contest goes along - this is the only way I can imagine being able to answer all the questions. CONTEST WAS ON 2/29/08